Podcasts by Daniel G. Clark, hosted by LibSyn.com. Most shows were editions of "Trolleys, Tales & Talk" aired weekly on KWPC radio from January 2006 until May 2010.
"Trolleys, Tales & Talk" Mar. 23, 2010


"Moving Day for the Jayne House" • Dan Clark's guests Susan Jayne and Frank Kelly tell about some of the families who lived at 1402 Mulberry Avenue over the years. Susan's great-grandparents Henry and Ella Jayne built the house 110 years ago. The Kellys were there in the 1980s and 90s when it was still known as "Dr. Miller's house," remembered for the family residing there longest. Susan came from Indiana to join the crowd of watchers as the historic house moves (March 23-24) from its place beside the Muscatine Art Center toward its new address at 1200 Iowa Avenue. See pictures and learn more of the story at "Friends of the Henry Jayne House" http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=368359087332. In the Discussion section are links to all the Muscatine Journal stories about saving the house.


Direct download: ttt2010mar23.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:32pm CST