Podcasts by Daniel G. Clark, hosted by LibSyn.com. Most shows were editions of "Trolleys, Tales & Talk" aired weekly on KWPC radio from January 2006 until May 2010.
Dan Clark and Shirley Calvert talk about Muscatine's early Congregationalists, described as "notorious abolitionists." Dan reads "Pioneer Preacher" from Little Known Stories of Muscatine by William D. Randall, Shirley's father. More of the story at http://iagenweb.org/muscatine/biographies1911/congregationalchurch.htm .
Direct download: ttt2008sep30.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:50pm CST

Dan Clark asks, "What would it take to put a real streetcar on the streets of Muscatine?" He reads from a federal study (http://www.preservationnation.org/issues/transportation/transit.html) and reports conversations with others who share the passion. Conclusion: "We have the brains here in Muscatine; we have the interest and enthusiasm; we even have some of the big bucks if we knew how to harness them."
Direct download: ttt2008sep23.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:35pm CST

Dan Clark and Tom Hanifan, president of Friends of the Pine Creek Grist Mill. Tom tells about the upcoming Heritage Day at the restored 1848 mill, the oldest operating grist mill on its original site between the Mississippi River and the Rockies (pinecreekgristmill.com).
Direct download: ttt2008sep16.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:47pm CST

Dan Clark and Frank Yoder discuss history and customs of the Amish community. A resident of the Kalona area, Frank grew up among the Amish and is an adjunct professor of history at the University of Iowa.
Direct download: ttt2008sep9.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:44am CST

Dan Clark asks, "What became of the Party of Lincoln?" and callers comment. Charles Potter reads from his ancestor's Civil War diary.
Direct download: ttt2008sep2.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:16am CST