Tue, 27 January 2009
Dan Clark's guest Lee Miller is author of Crocker's Brigade, a new book telling the story of four Iowa infantry regiments combined under command of Marcellus M. Crocker after the April 1862 Battle of Shiloh. Many of the men were from the Muscatine area. Dan and Lee are joined by another local Civil War author and previous TTT guest, Jeff Shay. Learn more about Lee Miller and his book at http://www.muscatinejournal.com/articles/2009/01/09/news/doc4967744f5824d970374432.txt .
Tue, 20 January 2009
Dan Clark's guests are Dave Ales and Al Brotherton, talking and playing music to get us in the mood for the 15th annual Eagles and Ivories Ragtime festival coming January 23-24-25. Al leads the local band Mad Creek Mud Cats, and Dave is the festival organizer for the Muscatine County Arts Council http://www.muscatineartscouncil.org/eagles%20&%20Ivories.htm. Hear the previous pre-festival show at http://muscatinetours.libsyn.com/index.php?post_id=419741 (Jan. 6).
Tue, 13 January 2009
Dan Clark's guest is Jay Logel who started his 42-year career at Muscatine Power & Water as a power plant maintenance helper and is retiring this month after serving in nine positions, the last 11 years as general manager at Iowa’s largest municipal electric utility http://www.mpw.org/.
Tue, 6 January 2009
Dan Clark's guests Chris Clark and Duffy DeFrance represent Muscatine County Arts Council http://www.muscatineartscouncil.org/ which sponsors the 15th annual Eagles and Ivories Ragtime Weekend coming up January 23-24-25. More about John Brown's last trip across Iowa 150 years ago and an acclaimed puppet show based on that real-life saga, "FREEDOM STAR: Gertie's Journey on the Underground Railroad" http://www.puppetspuppets.com/about/birthday/favorite/favorite.html . Includes music cuts from ragtime artists slated for the 2009 festival.