Podcasts by Daniel G. Clark, hosted by LibSyn.com. Most shows were editions of "Trolleys, Tales & Talk" aired weekly on KWPC radio from January 2006 until May 2010.
Pastor Paul Ostrem tells Dan Clark and Shirley Calvert about challenges that faced local German-speaking immigrants during World War I. They discuss "Loyalty Days," a chapter in Paul's book Dennoch about Zion Lutheran Church and its longtime Pastor John Haefner. Read "Loyalty Days" at http://archive.elca.org/ScriptLib/dcs/jle/article.asp?aid=540 .
Direct download: ttt2008oct28.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:37pm CST

Dan's guests are the candidates for Iowa House District 80, incumbent Rep. Nathan Reichert ( http://www.nathanreichert.com ) and challenger Bob Howard, a Muscatine City Council member ( http://www.robertehoward.us ). Their conversation reveals agreement on supporting local "heritage tourism" and transportation infrastructure. Differences emerge as Nathan answers a radio-ad charge--not authorized by Bob--that he spent tax dollars for a "Train to Nowhere."
Direct download: ttt2008oct21.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:47pm CST

Downtown developer Tom Meeker tells about the sidewheeler paddleboat "Pearl Button" he's bringing to Muscatine, and Don Bekker recalls riverboats from times past. Read about Tom's project at http://www.muscatinejournal.com/articles/2008/09/26/news/doc48dcf29a10a0d341692712.txt .
Direct download: ttt2008oct14.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:28pm CST

Wes Bender, superintendent of operations for the Midwest Electric Railway, tells about history and growth of the streetcar system that moves thousands of visitors at Old Threshers in Mt. Pleasant. With MERA volunteer Walter Henkel and Dan Clark and a caller who remembers Muscatine streetcars. More at http://www.oldthreshers.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=page.midwestElectricRailway.
Direct download: ttt2008oct7.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 5:00pm CST